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Monday, June 06, 2005
The Fly
My eyes almost popped out when I saw this headline on Mid Day: Fly donates eyes of bike accident victim. I clicked on it eagerly to read about the magnanimous fly, and discovered that Mid Day had merely shortened "family" to "fly". Such a letdown.
But imagine if it really was a fly, like the bug in Franz Kafka's
Metamorphosis. Imagine this scene at a hospital:
But imagine if it really was a fly, like the bug in Franz Kafka's
Dr Tambe: Nurse More, I have a blind patient here, I need some eyes. Go and find a family.Um, sorry, you weren't in the middle of a meal, were you? In future, please read India Uncut on an empty stomach.
Nurse More: Dr Tambe, there aren't any families around, but I have found a fly.
Dr Tambe: Sorry. What's that?
Nurse More: You don't have to apologise, Sir. I said, I've found a fly. Here he is.
[Fly steps forward from the shadows.]
Fly: Hi. I'm a fly, and my favourite actor is Jeff Goldblum. Unlike you humans, I have a heart. So I gouged the eyes of an accident victim and brought them here to donate to you.
(Fly hands over two bleeding eyeballs to stunned doctor.]
Dr Tambe: This is preposterous. Flies can't talk. Flies aren't so big.
Fly: [guffaws] Ha. Big it seems. You should see the pile of shit I've been sitting on all these years. Mumbai rocks!