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Monday, June 20, 2005


In a story on hunting in Outlook, Shobita Dhar writes:
What is this mindset all about, this urge to take a life for mere amusement? Psychiatrist Dr Puneet Dwevedi feels that a hunter seeks instant gratification of his impulses. Unlike normal people, he is unable to channelise his impulses. Often they [hunters] are people who nurse insecurities arising from a rigid social support system. The hunt gives them a false sense of dominance. The next stage: if he gets social approval and appreciation for his act, he becomes addicted to the act. "The need to hunt also arises from the lack of any immediate responsibilities," says Dwevedi. "That's why one generally sees aristocrats, rich industrialists, film stars practising this blood sport."
Screw the jargon, I say. It's just a "my black buck is bigger than yours" thing. It's an old male problem, and plays itself out in different ways in different contexts. We all know what the real wildlife is here, don't we?
amit varma, 4:00 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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