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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another call-center controversy

The Sun stings India Shining.

I think there are two dangers in dealing with this story: making too much of it; and making too little of it.

On one hand, we must not give it to tabloid sensationalisation and assume that there is a problem with all Indian call centers. Most big Indian BPO units have excellent security systems in place, and such breaches could not occur there.

On the other hand, we must not ignore it as only tabloid sensationalisation, and must act swiftly to punish the guilty, and show that our cyber laws can handle such infractions easily.

Update: Kiran Karnik's on the job.

Update 2: Ajay Bhat points out via email that "it is not just in India that this has been a problem".
amit varma, 8:06 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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