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Saturday, April 02, 2005

A geopolitical menage-e-trois

Shekhar Gupta writes in the Indian Express:
Can a big power be friends with two bitter antagonists, supply military hardware to both and yet nudge them successfully towards peace? The Middle East is a good enough precedent from not so long ago. The US supplied arms to both Israel and Egypt and also made sure they were of no threat to each other any longer. There are parallels in that situation and the subcontinent, and there are many important differences. Both Egypt and Israel were happy to have a mediator. Here India loathes the very suggestion of mediation. Governments in both Israel and Egypt relied on Washington heavily for survival. Here Washington shares that equation only with Musharraf.

Read the full piece, in which he argues that all the standard takes on India-US relations are flawed, and offers us his own perspective.
amit varma, 9:58 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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