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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Despatches 25: Things are better at Nagapattinam

On my return to Chennai, I go straight to the AID India office, where I run into Priya Ramasubban, a volunteer from Bangalore whom I had helped, rather ineptly, sort and pack cartons of medicine before I left Chennai on my journey through Tamil Nadu. Priya has just returned with a team of AID volunteers from Nagapattinam, where she says things are much better than when I was there last. The teams disposing of bodies finally did get their kerosene, and the government has just stepped in there to take over body disposal. And they have, finally, got earth-moving trucks with them.

“I have heard that they have been given a deadline to dispose of dead bodies,” she says, which, if true, means that someone higher up in the administration has finally got his/her act together. Let’s hope the government stays as committed through the process of long-term rehabilitation.
amit varma, 7:32 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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