India Uncut

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Friday, December 10, 2004

The sound of music for a lover’s embrace

“[I]f you commute into Bombay, you are made aware of the precise temperature of the human body as it curls around you on all sides, adjusting itself to every curve of your own. A lover’s embrace was never so close,” wrote Suketu Mehta once. Mumbai’s local trains are in a class of their own for discomfort, and it takes a brave man to take a Virar Fast during rush hours. But the Sahara group is coming to the rescue.

Are they donating extra carriages, helping the Railways build more ergonomic trains, devising some brave new mode of public transport? No. They’re putting piped music on the trains. Mid Day reports that the Sahara group, which has four channels on WorldSpace satellite radio, will broadcast two of those channels in the trains of Mumbai. Much to the relief of harried commuters, no doubt, Sahara says that these channels will be “crystal clear and free of static”.

Hmm. What was it that Marie Antoinette once said about cake?
amit varma, 4:57 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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