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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Plastic surgery

Jaithirth Rao, discussing the problem India faces with plastic waste, says:

Our left-leaning, liberal, socialistic (can anyone tell me the difference between socialist and socialistic?) jholawalla intellectuals have a simple solution. Let us ban plastic. It must, after all, be contributing to filthy multi-national profits. They would also ban cars to eliminate exhaust pollution and ban thermometers in the hope that not measuring temperatures will eliminate fevers. In any other country, the logical response would be to set up a system to collect and dispose of plastic so that it does not disfigure our land. No, this would be too simple and logical for us. Only steps which involve cutting-off-our-noses-to-spite-our-faces will do!
amit varma, 9:04 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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